Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mandatory Post About My Blog

Basically in this post I;m going to talk about my best and worst posts and how to improve my blog.

So far since I started this blog I've made four posts and only three of them are true pots because the first one is an introduction to my blog. If I had to single out a single post as the worst, I would say it is my third post entitled "Greedy NBA Players". In that post I essentially wrote about the NBA Lockout and why it is stupid and frustrates me. Now, looking back, I realize that I failed to present my argument clearly.

My favorite most, so far, is "Getting to Sports: Baseball".I like this post because it is short, to the point, and ca teach people about her America's present. Another aspect of the blog I liked is that I didn't write the rules in paragraph form. By keeping it like notes, the post does a better job to kepp readers. I hope to really take off with this blog and make a series of it to help people get into the whole world of sports. I think that the next sports I have to talk about are: football, basketball, soccer, and hockey.

I think with the exception of one, my posts so far lack pictures. My posts are generally long block of text. I want to work to improve that by adding pictures. Adding pictures will bring more color to my blog in addition to breaking up the text. Mreover, I could use pictures to help explain what I am writing about.

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