Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Greedy NBA Players

Who wants to watch the NBA this year? Well, too bad because it doesn't look like there is going to be a season.

This week it was announced by NBA commissioner(equivalent of a business CEO, except for basketball), David Stern, announced that as of now, the first two weeks of the season will be canceled.

NBA Commissioner David Stern
Photo From: here
Why? Following the conclusion of last season, the players union began talks with team owners about a petty issue. In a nutshell the argument is as follows:

The owners want more money and they want to have more control over how much the players get. The players on the other hand absolutely refuse to give up a percent or two of their pay.

Derek Fisher, Laker guard and representing players in negotiation
Photo From: here

The players are, in my opinion, extremely ungrateful because they cannot stand losing a percent or two. In reality, losing a fraction of their pay is mere pocket change because they already make millions of dollars every year - much more than the average American makes in a lifetime.

Furthermore, this lockout demonstrates that the players and owners alike don't care for their fans. What they fail to understand is that by going on lockout they aren't hurting the opposing side because both are already wealth. They only people they're hurting is the fans who pay and generate revenue for the teams. Now fans don't get to come home, sit down on the couch, and watch their team play. The only people who benefit are from foreign countries where the player will have to go if they want to play.
By not having a season at all, the owners don't make money, the players don't get paid, they players have to play abroad, and the fans don't get to watch.

Sounds like it's going to be a boring winter for NBA fans. It's times like this that make people appreciate collegiate and women's basketball.

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