Sunday, September 25, 2011

Welcome to My Blog!

Hello world wide web. My name is Eric and this is my blog.

I created this blog because it is an assignment for my journalism class, but I have been meaning to do this for a really long time. As you probably gathered from the title of my blog, this blog is going to be dedicated to sports, more specifically Bay Area Sports. Through this blog, I want to write about the professional teams: Oakland Athletics, Oakland Raiders, Golden State Warriors, San Francisco 49ers, San Francisco Giants, and San Jose Giants. In addition to the professional teams, I am also going to cover college sports for two Bay Area colleges, University of California Berkeley and Stanford University.

Ever since I began playing both Little League baseball and youth league soccer, I have developed a passion, some call it an obsession, with sports. I was fascinated by the split second decisions players have to make which decide ball games. Do I throw it now? How hard should I throw it? Should I run? These questions players ask themselves are what intrigues me about sports.

Another reason why I love sports is listening to the play by play announcers and the people who voice their opinions about what is going on the world of sports. I love listening to the announcers break down a play to show what made is successful or what made is a disastrous failure. During breaks in the game, half time, and after the game, I love to hear what the professional sports analysts have to say about what a team needs, what a team needs to do, and why a team won or lost because during the games, I develop my own opinions and I want to find out whether or not the analysts agree with me.

Through this blog, I want to voice my own opinions about Bay Area sports and analyze games.

Thanks for reading.